Making a thread vein removal compensation claim

To speak to a specialist lawyer about making a thread vein removal compensation claim contact our free helpline by phone our email.

Our attitude to cosmetic surgery has changed enormously over the last decade with ever increasing numbers of people choosing to ‘go under the knife’. However, it is not just the invasive surgeries that are gaining in popularity, new non-invasive procedures are coming onto the market, offering  cheaper and less painful solutions.

One particular procedure to gained popularity is the removal of thread veins. This procedure is now widely available, often through non-traditional outlets.

Thread veins are damaged veins and capillaries just below the skin. They are very common in both men and women and often found on the face, body and legs. Small thread veins appear reddish or blue in appearance, but larger ones can be purple and unsightly. Thread veins become more noticeable as we age and our skin becomes thinner and loses collagen. They can be caused by a number of factors including sun exposure, pregnancy, rosacea, alcohol and smoking.

A number of different treatments are now available. Many of these treatments are non-invasive and can be carried out by people without formal medical qualifications such as beauty therapists. However, this treatment is not without risk. People are therefore advised to consult a specialist practitioner who should clearly assess the patient’s expectations of the treatment and any inherent risks.

Among the tread vein removal treatments available are the following:

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)
During the IPL procedure, energy heats up the area causing damage to the cells in the thread vein resulting in a gradual reduction in its visible appearance. Skin may become pink and feel a little sore, the procedure can leave skin blisters or burns which can lead to mild scarring and changes in skin colour or pigment. Some people can experience permanent scarring.

Scelerotherapy should not be used on the face. A solution is injected directly into the blood vessel using very fine needles. The risks associated with sclerotherapy include venous thrombosis, severe inflammation and permanent scarring, as well as nerve damage, discoloration and ulceration.

Micro-Thermocoagulation or Veinwave treatment
Veinwave targets smaller veins that are not treatable with scelerotherapy and can be used safely on the face. Veinwave works by a process called thermocoagulation, which is where energy created by a high frequency current produces a thermal lesion, destroying the vein while preserving the skin. Inherent risks of this procedure include burns and scarring.

Complications with these procedures are uncommon, but problems do sometimes arise and when they do then making a thread vein removal compensation claim may be an option.

Our cosmetic surgery solicitors have seen people sustaining injuries arising from their therapist’s failure to exercise reasonable skill and care in carrying out these treatments. We have also seen instances where there has been a failure to properly test the patient’s skin and a failure to observe test patches for the requisite period of time; often resulting in the therapist using incorrect settings during the treatment. In some cases no testing on the skin has been done at all.

We are able to deal with a thread vein removal compensation claims on a no win, no fee basis.

If you wish to make a thread vein removal compensation claim then call us today for a free case assessment or email us at [email protected]


Thread vein removal compensation claims