Negligent cosmetic surgery checklist
We have prepared a helpful negligent cosmetic surgery checklist for victims of medical negligence to use before they are ready to seek legal advice. When you are ready to proceed with a claim then you can contact our free helpline for a case assessment and details of no win, no fee funding.
If your cosmetic surgery does not go as planned, it is a good idea to consider the steps you should be taking at an early stage. Legal action can be a lengthy and complex process, and although this is often the most effective way to achieve justice, you may not be ready to approach a lawyer immediately. Many people prefer to seek answers themselves before turning to the law. In these circumstances, there are a number of things you can do. So here is our negligent cosmetic surgery negligence checklist:
Obtain copies of your medical records
You have a legal right to see your medical records, unless very unusual circumstances apply. Under the Data Protection Act 1998, you must be provided with copies of your records within 40 days. A fee can be charged, but it must be reasonable and cannot exceed £50. You can request the records by writing a simple letter in your own words. If you are requesting records for someone else, you should include a signed note of their consent.
Bear in mind that medical records can be extensive, sometimes stretching to thousands of pages. If you are struggling to make sense of them, it’s worth remembering that many specialist medical negligence solicitors like ourselves are willing to look through medical records free of charge to help assess the strength of a potential cosmetic surgery negligence claim.
Make a complaint
This is always a good starting point; whether you want to take legal action or not. In some cases, the clinic, surgeon or hospital trust will acknowledge the error. Even if they don’t, for many people opening a dialogue is a key part of the process of coming to terms with what has happened. A response to a complaint gives a useful insight into the way that your case is being viewed by the medical professionals involved. It can also be used as evidence should you decide to make a claim. We have dealt with numerous cases where a client has received a negative response to a complaint and then gone onto successfully win their compensation claim.
Join a patient support group
There is a huge range of support groups out there, from those concerned with particular medical conditions to general patient safety organisations. They can be good forums for sharing knowledge and experience, and often include people who have been in a similar position to you. This can be a real boost if you have been left feeling isolated and may help you to plan your own strategy.
Seek the advice of an experienced cosmetic surgery lawyer
Once you decide you want to make a legal claim it is important you speak to a lawyer who is a medical negligence specialist and experienced in handling cosmetic surgery claims. We often take over cases from non-specialist lawyers in other firms who have got out of their depth and realise that they are no longer able to assist their client. Worse still are those who continue running a case and either lose, or under-settle the claim.
If you are in any doubt why not make use of our FREE cosmetic surgery helpline to talk it over with us in complete confidence. Call 0333 888 0437 or send an email to [email protected]