Claiming cosmetic dentistry compensation
We specialise in cosmetic dentistry claims. Our team is led by Katie Parr who achieved legal history by winning the largest ever recorded compensation award for a dental negligence claim. Katie has developed a specialist dental claims website that contains a lot of useful information. You can visit that site here. Alternatively call Katie on 0333 888 0437 or send details of your claim to her by email at [email protected]
From invisible braces and retainers, to tooth whitening and veneers, there are so many different treatment options available to help us achieve ‘the perfect smile’. With ever-progressing dental technology, the search for cosmetic perfection has never been more affordable; or more accessible, with most high street dental practice now offering treatments.
However, as with any cosmetic reatment, things can and do go wrong; no matter how much research a patient does. And when mistakes and errors occur, the effects can be devastating, often taking months or even years of expensive additional treatment to put right.
What can I do if cosmetic dentistry does go wrong?
In the first instance it is important to understand precisely what has happened. You should always speak to your dental practitioner as soon as you are aware of a problem. If you are unable to resolve the issue with your dentist, you may need to look at bringing a cosmetic dentistry compensation claim.
How do I know if I have a valid claim?
To bring a successful cosmetic dentistry compensation claim you will have to show that your dentist failed to perform the treatment to an accptable standard, and that you suffrered dental problems as a direct result. Sometimes this will be obvious, but these issues can often be less clear and it is always advisable to seek a legal opinion at an earl;y stage. You can do this by calling our free legal helpline.
What is my cosmetic dentistry compensation claim worth?
This is often the first question we are asked.
The value of a claim will not usually be known until the full extent of the injury has been assessed. However, we should be able to provide you with initial guidance on what the claim could be worth. When assessing compensation we not only look at the ‘pain and suffering’ of the injury itself, but also its financial impact, such as the cost of further dental treatment, as well as associated out of pocket epenses.
Claims are assessed on a case-by-case basis and take into account your own personal circumstances. But please bear in mind that it is important not to delay bringing a claim as after a period of time (usually three years) the case can become barred.
How do I start my dental claim?
The first step in establishing whether you have a legal claim is easy – call our legal helpline for a free case assessment by specialist dental lawyer Katie Parr on 0333 888 0437.
We can deal with your cosmetic dentistry claim on a No Win, No Fee basis, so you having nothing to lose.
If you are interested in claiming cosmetic dentistry compensation contact us on 0333 888 0437 or send brief details of your claim by email to [email protected]